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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Social Report: Racism Between Four Empires Declines

After many years of strife, racial propaganda and prejudice between the empires of New Eden seems to be slowly fading away.

A horrific example, for your viewing pleasure

However, this does not necessarily mean it is being wiped out since less overt actions are being taken against one another. It could very well mean that there are secretive rallies being held in the cargo-bays in ships or the lavatories in stations.

Many attribute the decrease in open hostilities to two factors. The increasingly hostile incursions by Sansha's Nation have led many capsuleers to beautifully unite in hate against them, and the looming threat of the Jovian Empire is also being made out to be much more threatening, despite the fact the Jove haven't really done a thing in years besides distributing some shuttles as handouts to a few pilots.

A freighter pilot, Rusty-Ezekiel Jebediah, was able to comment quite nicely on the matter with the Jove.

"To put it in, er, simpler terms, WE DON'T LIKE DER KIND ROUND HERE," Rusty began (the audio quality of the recorded conversation degraded heavily due to spittle on the microphone).

"Them Joveens always tryin' to keep us outta dere gates like it's some kinda fence! So we say that we don't want no Jovies sneakin' into OUR parts of space, y'hear? I won't have no Jumpin' Jovies crossin' MY bored of space I tell ya what!"

There are also those who believe that the Jovian are not hostile to the people of New Eden, and, in fact, view us as insects not to be concerned with. Take these warm words to heart when considering bigotry.

How long the mud-slinging against the empires will be delayed remains a mystery, but we here at ConHo Daily would like to remind you that we are never bigoted in our opinions, especially with those who we consider to be a people of great misfortune and smelliness, such as the Minmatar.

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