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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Unrest After Minmatar Devours Live Goat in Church

ConHo Daily extends condolences to St. Flappidydoodle

At what was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting between Amarr and Minmatar diplomats, the situation was turned into a literal "meating" when Minmatar representative Prodikus Durf was spotted stripping the chastity of a goat on the speaker's stand in a sacred Amarrian temple, and then shortly after stripping the flesh of the animal to be devoured raw. To make matters worse, the goat was some form of saint, or something.

"He disgraces our ancestors," frowned the chaplain at the temple, whose name is not to be disclosed.

"Not only in the metaphysical aspect, but the physical as well. The beautiful pulpits of our church are stained with blood, sweat, and some other substance we can't quite identify yet . . ."

While it is incredibly doubtful war will spark between the factions, the more fervent of the Amarr public are in complete outrage, striking back by holding religious seminaries, and are reportedly preparing a large potluck for their communities.

All of New Eden is invited to these picnics, and bringing slaves is highly encouraged.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Confer with Arthur: Armor Tanking

Arthur Asimov, still a certified systems engineer

Howdy there folks! Last week we covered the marvel of shield tanking using technology brought to us by Ancient Jovians so now we're gonna deal with a more primitive form of defense. The armor tank!

Yes, armor. The glorious 'ole layer of metal that protects your structure from being blown to kingdom come. Now, why it makes much more sense to base your defense on naturally regenerating and cooler sounding shields, there are some . . . Gallente pilots who prefer usin' armor instead. Some of those Amarr folk do it too. One again I'll be usin' invaluable experience, and the defensive works of Friedrick Psitalon.

You see, folks who tank using their armor as their source of protection follow a different philosophy then us Caldari. They accept that their shields will be chewed away swiftly, and call that “borrowed time” before they have to engage their tank – saving their capacitor juice for later. The risk involved is not insignificant; armor tankers who “lose their tank” are immediately takin' damage on ship structure, and the end of that yellow brick road is a cruise in your pod!

Armor tankin' is a fairly easy concept: slap an armor repairer on your ship and turn it on. What makes an armor tank effective is the relatively low cost “per point” of armor repair (a shield tank repairs 1 shield for 1 energy, typically, while an armor tank can give as much as 2 or 3 armor for 1 energy.) No boosters exist for armor repair, except in the case of the Brutix – a ship type with a bonus to armor repair.

Armor repairers, armor plates, and armor resistance enhancements are all “low slot” items, which also makes them rather popular for pilots who have other uses for their mid slots – afterburners, webbing modules, warp scramblers, etc.

Typically, Armor Tanking is supplemented by resistance enhancers, but some fellas choose to install extra plating. Plating requires a specific, relatively minor amount of CPU and greatly increasing amounts of Power Grid as you increase plate density. Repairers likewise tend to take a moderate amount of CPU and greatly increasing grid. Hardeners tend to take very little grid, and a moderate amount of CPU.

While Active Shield Tankers tend to rely on Capacitor Boosters to supply them with large amounts of capacitor, Armor Tankers have another, surprisin'ly more efficient option: capacitor regeneration items. A total of four items exist – two for the medium slots, and two for the low slots. (Sound familiar to our shield regeneration items?) The medium slot items are simple: Capacitor Rechargers (just like Shield Rechargers) and Capacitor Batteries (which function in the same way as Shield Extenders, including their affect on recharge rates.) The low slot options are (again, these may sound familiar) Capacitor Flux Coils and Capacitor Power Relays. Much like Shield Flux Coils, Capacitor Flux Coils lower the maximum capacity in exchange for faster regeneration. In this case, though, the other option is nearly always better: Capacitor Power Relays. A CPR lowers the shield boost rate (basically, the opposite of a Shield Boost Amplifier) in exchange for faster capacitor regeneration. This is rarely an issue for armor tankers, though, who usually do not even fit a shield booster module (except those creepy Amarr I reckon).

As far as your skills go, you're gonna want to have excellent knowledge in running energy management and operation, since you'll be able to repair a lot more times with more juice in your ship. Knowing how to fit hull upgrades and good mechanic knowledge means you'll have a LOT more armor to work with, and repair systems skills speak for themselves on this.

The Gallente Brutix, notice the phallic design of the craft
 Your advantages: Speaking in cap terms, Armor Tanking is a middle ground between Passive and Active Shield Tanking methods. Obviously, it uses more capacitor than Passive Shield Tanks, but it is considerably more efficient than Active Shields. Armor tanks take their bites of capacitor every 10 seconds or so, allowing a ship more time to regenerate capacitor between bites. Armor tankers also have a much easier time increasing their resistances to very high levels. Armor tankers have a slower rate of “healing” than an Active Shield Tanker, but usually much quicker than a Passive Shield Tanker. Handy!

Your disadvantages: Right off the bat, I'm gonna say Caldari ships aren't very good at armor tankin'. Not to mention that the middle ground is just that: the middle ground. Your rate of healin' may not be as swift as is needed in extremely high damage situations. It is still possible to run out of capacitor, though it may happen more slowly than an Active Tanker. Lastly, you have to be ready to move fast if your Armor Tank should fail – structure doesn’t tend to be very durable lessen you're running a mighty fine hull tank!

That just about wraps things up for specific tankin' skills, as I'm sure you can play around an figure out how to run the "hybrid shield tank" and the rarely seen "hybrid armor/shield tank". I regret to inform you folks that I will not be sharing the mighty secrets of the Hull Tank, but after years of searching you might find it as well!

Join me next week when we talk more 'bout ships!
'Till next time fellas! Fly safe! Fly smart!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

CEO of Consolidated Holdings is now Augmented: Rumors of New Corporate Fashion Trend Run Rampant

Entjudner Richter, becoming more of a super villain every day
Possibly in envy of the cybernetic eye that Xeddiphan was forced to implant after a mishap on one of his colonies, Entjudner Richter has now taken the liberty of replacing his eye with an Odin implant.

The use of implants has prevailed for centuries throughout New Eden, though until recent times they would be completely hidden inside of the user. However, due to what appears to be some sort of "reparation dollars" given out to all capsuleers by CONCORD, ocular augmentations are more popular than ever, even up to the point where pilots can be seen flying with the much-envied "glass monocle".

While internal implants have gone unnoticed, some less-educated people believe that external modifications are "unethical" despite internal modifications prevailing for years. Even some members of ConHo fear that the prevalence of implants in its members could give them an edge over unaugmented members, echoing many previous controversies behind transhumanism. While the trend seems to only slowly prevailing, many believe it will not be long before most members of both the corporation and coalition are given "creepy robot parts" that make them feel both fearful and inferior. Most of these claims are baseless, such as, quote "I think Ent can see through my clothes" and "I think Xed can see into my soul".

While both could surely find ways to accomplish such tasks, you can all rest assured that they will accomplish these goals through their own insidious cunning, and not through the use of biomechanical augmentations.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

TEST Alliance Declares War on Chribba

Chribba, New Eden's most beloved Veldspar miner
 A long-time pilot of New Eden, constantly in the search for Veldspar, Chribba may be one of the most famous pilots alive.

While he is one of the most notorious "carebears" in space, Chribba's real celebrity springs from the multitude of services he has provided capsuleers over the years, all completely free of charge. CEO and Founder of the corporation 'Otherworld Enterprises (OTHER)' as well as Founder and Executor of the 'Otherworld Empire (OTHER)' alliance. Otherworld Enterprises was founded and also created Otherworld Empire.
To this day he has been the sole pilot of both the corporation and alliance and according to rumors the corporation chat is very quiet.

He can regularly be seen roaming the belts of Amarr in the hunt for the much beloved Veldspar- "It's all about the Veldspar baby!". 

In a show of power, proving to the people of New Eden that they actually can make kills, the TEST Alliance declared war against Chribba, which can be best summarized by a declaration from TEST's Dr. Kang.
Hello Spacefriends.

As one of the goodpoasting Magi mentioned in the Bible that visited Our Lord and Savior upon his virgin birth in Bethlehem, I'm here to explain this clearly so you all understand what's going on, and why.

We are going to burn 9UY4-H to the ground. Chribba must be podded at our hand. His mining titans must explode. We will not stop until we are appeased.

Yes, this has been tried twice before by ill-trained rabble, but the full might of our alliance is now being brought to bear on the target. Well-organized, disciplined, battle tested pilots. Proven FCs. Fleet doctrine that has succeeded time and time again. Resources few in the game can match. As much as you may hate us, you know all this to be true.

Now, you might say that TEST is a hurfblurfing bunch or scammers and sperglords. And this is true. But our wills are united, and our commitment is unshakable. The assault will continue until our thirst vengeance as been slaked by destroying the Magical Unicorn Prince of Publords. Your furious posting wails of "TEST HAS GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME" only fuels our war machine.

No matter how many of our ships you may destroy, we will just keep coming. Because we're stupid like that.
 While others have attempted to overthrow Chribba in the past, he has always been assisted by many privateers and corporations going out of their way to protect him, and the last time he was assisted by the EVE University Fleet. Many believe that the alliance will easily be defeated by Chribba's Legion, and that once again his station (which he allows ANYONE to dock at) will remain under his control.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Position for Coalition Industrials Liason Officer Available: Cast Your Vote to Support Your Allies!

Artist's rendition of Caldari Leader Tibur Heth's inauguration

Today, in a rare display of democracy, a corporate wide memo was sent out by ConHo's Jade Korel.

From: Jade Korel
To: Consolidated Holdings, Taron Silverhawk

Hi Corp!

The Coalition is getting big enough these days that some structure and organization is needed at the higher levels to spread the responsibilities around.

With this in mind, a position of "Coalition Industrials Liasion Officer" has opened up / been created. 

Since we, ConHo, are the biggest (by corp numbers) Industrial corp. I feel that we have the experience, qualifications (and possibly a responsibility?) to the Coalition for this role. Since it is a coalition-wide position, It would be best of it were someone in a corp's direct leadership position (CEO or a Director).

So here's what you need to do: Send in your nomination / vote to Taron Silverhawk (our Coalition Chief) for whom you would like to see taking on this role.

You are free to vote for / nominate anyone from the leadership of ANY coalition Industrial corp. It does not have to be from us. If you are unsure of who all are possible options, please get in touch with Taron, Ent or myself.


- Jade

 In light of this, ConHo Daily's opinion is to, naturally, suggest nomination a member of Consolidated Holdings to the position, in light of the fact that we are currently the strongest industrial arm in the coalition, and taking up more responsibilities will reap benefits for us in the future. As Jade mentioned, the most ideal role would be someone who is already in a leadership role regardless of WHICH allied corporation it is, so be sure to vote in your favorite corporate manager! Remember, the voting is up to YOU!

Editor's Opinion: Ent would make a fantastic representative, due to already having strong ties in the coalition and the fact that's he's already our CEO.

Arthur Asimov's Opinion: Vote Jade. She's a Caldari, meanin' she knows what the hell to do. Plus she's got an Apocalypse with an armor tank that scares the bejeezus out of me.

Anonymous Member Opinion: Althin. Without a doubt it must be Althin.

Anonymous Member Opinion: Snappy. He kills things good and doesn't afraid of anything. Seriously, have you seen that Golem he flies?

Anonymous Member Opinion: He may not be a director or anything like that, but Harmon Alabel is a great miner, and he knows how to run an op. An industrialist like him would definetly be a good choice.


ConHo Daily will be sure to let you know the results of the vote, so get those nominees sent to Taron!

Monday, November 7, 2011

CEO of Consolidated Holdings Possibly Gone Insane: Suddenly Resembles "Dr. Evil" from Ancient Film

Entjudner Richter, CEO of Consolidated Holdings and possible supervillain

 Entjudner Richter, known as both a peaceful miner and ruthless badass, has displayed strange behavior following the shaving of his head.

"It's not like he wasn't kind of evil before," a corporate employee shrugged.

"I remember one time he podded this guy in low-sec and wanted to impale the corpse's head on a pike on the HQ to display. We told him that the Garoun Investment Bank wouldn't let us do that on their station, so he shoved the thing in a container and anchored it outside the station for a week. It smelled really bad on retrieval . . ."

The behavior became even more threatening when three members of Consolidate Holdings worked in a joint operation with the Insanely Twisted corporation in upgrading a POS. Due to great boredom, the trio began exchanging cultural photographs in the corporate channel, which Ent did not approve of.

"FFFFFFFF- " was his opening statement. "If you keep linking those god damned hipster pictures in the corp channel I swear I will pod each and every one of you. You don't lose sec status for killing corpmates!"

ConHo members are advised to do exactly what Ent says, lest they some sort of aquatic creature with a laser on its head. It is unknown as to whether or not Skeletor will use this opportunity to seize more power.

Confer with Arthur: Shield Tanking

Arthur Asimov, Caldari Scientist

Howdy fellas! Due to a recently enacted State mandate declaring that regulated printed materials must now contain educational material, I will be here once a week to help you survive in space!

Today we'll be talkin' about one of our most famous, and be-loved tactics in warfare. Shields! Passed down from us generations ago by Ancient Jovians.

Yes shields! Love 'em, or hate 'em, you can't ignore 'em, so regardless of whether or not you use a nice shield defense, I'm going to explain how it works so you'll know what you're dealing with. I'll be using a combination of good ole' experience, and the works of Friedrick Psitalon, a defensive systems expert.

To start off with, there are two kinds of ways to use a shield tank.

Active Shield Tanking

A Cyclone, despite being Minmatar, can make a good AST ship

You'll want to be sure you know how to work energy systems for this one! Knowing how shield compensation and upgrades work is absolutely essential for it!

Active shield tanking (AST) relies heavily on two items – shield boosters, and shield boost amplifiers. The AST name comes from the nature of the defensive style – you use your shields as your main source of damage absorption, and you actively reinforce them as they take damage. Both a shield booster and a shield boost amplifier use mid-slots on your ship; active shield tanking does not utilize low slots.

Shield boosters grant a very quick boost in shields for (usually) a similar amount of capacitor energy. Boost amplifiers increase that amount gained by a percentage, thereby allowing you to regenerate more per boost – considerably more energy efficient than using two boosters. While the overall healing rate may not be as fast as two boosters, the energy usage makes it mighty superior in efficiency.

Your advantages: Defensive regeneration “on demand". Boosters are very quick reacting. Their regeneration speed as a result is very customizable; on precisely when you need it, off precisely when you don’t. Unlike armor tanking, it is very difficult to overestimate or underestimate your needs, and it responds much more quickly than armor tanking to a “panic” situation (since armor repair systems take a long time).

Of the three major types of tanking, AST is the most micro-manageable. AST grants much faster regeneration, on average, than the same number of modules allocated to Passive Shield Tanking. As a rule, a good AST can use as few as three modules, all of them middle slots; making it far superior than a PST in this regard, which can use several mids and lows when really optimized.

Your drawbacks: You pay a price for your on demand shield regenration. Active Shield Tanking is inherently less damage-efficient than Armor Tanking, as armor has much higher resistances to weaponry. It also uses a LOT more capacitor power than armor tanks, so you'll need a big cap to run this puppy! Since Passive Shield Tanking uses no capacitor at all, it is vastly superior in this regard.

Passive Shield Tanking

The Drake battlecruiser, the king of PST

You'll want to be skilled in all your shield knowledge, and have a good engineering and electronics background to get a good tank here!

Passive Shield Tanking is a rather unorthodox strategy, but is very noteworthy. PST works on a rather bizarre principle of starship shield technology: no matter how much shields (or capacitor) you have, it always regenerates in exactly the same amount of time, unless you have modified your regen rate. A Vexor’s shields will always regenerate in 900 seconds, no matter if it has 900 shields, or 9,000,000 shields. In the first situation the regeneration of the ship is unimpressive – 900 shields in 900 seconds is merely 1 shield per second regenerated. In the second situation, though, the rate of regeneration is staggering – 10,000 shields per second! Whoo doggy!

Here's some stuff you'll typically want to fit on your PST ship:

Shield Extenders: these use a lot of CPU (at any size) and grid (the amount of grid used depends on the extender size), but grant you a great deal more shield points, thereby raising your total shields, and increasing your regen rate. These are mid-slot items.

Shield Rechargers: these use a lot of CPU, but very little power grid. Their purpose is very simple: they increase shield recharge rates. These are also mid-slot items, and good for increasing regen when you can’t afford the grid drain of an extender.

Shield Flux Coils: these use a moderate amount of CPU, and no grid, but actually take AWAY from your maximum shield total. In exchange, they provide a larger recharge rate. These are low-slot items.

Shield Power Relays: Relays use a very small amount of CPU and no grid, but have very serious impacts on your capacitor recharge rates. These, too, are low slot items. 

Mid slots, then, give you more regen for CPU and Grid, and the low slots give you more regen in exchange for max shields or capacitor regen. How does one decide which to use when?

The Mids: Extenders vs. Rechargers: Generally, it’s never a bad idea to have at least one significant extender anyhow, because a passive shield tanker will not be able to control his regeneration rate, and so will want some extra “padding.”

After that first extender, though, some (gulp) math comes into play. For a ship that has 1000 shields regenerating in 500 seconds, an extender that adds 500 more effectively increases the shield regen rate by 50%. (1000 in 500 seconds = average of 2 per second; 1500 in 500 seconds = average of 3 per second.) There aren’t any Shield Recharge Units that can add anywhere near that amount of recharge; the best commonly available only adds 15%. Adding a shield extender to a ship that only increases that 1000 shields by 100, though, is not as good as simply adding a recharger.

Unfortunately, very few ships (realistically, probably none) can afford to slot as many Shield Extenders as they might like, so Shield Rechargers become a very good option for those lacking grid but having CPU, and wanting a faster regeneration rate, rather than using a smaller-size extender. 

The Lows: Flux Coils vs. Relays: Frankly, neither of these modules are for folks with weak hearts. If you’re using these, you’re robbing some part of your ship’s total abilities in order to improve another part; too much of this can leave you in a bad place. Judiciously used, though, both of these devices can be quite potent. Both of these devices require knowing what your ship is good at, and where it is weak.

Shield Power Relays strip a large chunk of your capacitor regeneration for shield regeneration (35% Cap Regen for 20% Shield in the biggest ones), but if your ship doesn’t use much in the way of capacitor, this may not be a big deal. Ships that use no shield boosters, little/no propulsion boosters (Afterburner/Microwarp Drive), and few other cap requiring devices can usually get away with slotting as many as two of these, lowering their cap regen by a frightening 70% - but if you’re a missile firer or projectile user, it may very well be that your only cap uses are warping in and out and the occasional shield boost or web. If that’s the case, Shield Power Relays may be for you.

Flux Coils, on the other hand, are for pilots who are very confident that they have enough shields to get them through (maybe you have 3+ extenders onboard) and don’t mind crippling that to increase their regeneration rate. A Flux coil usually pulls 10% out of your maximum shield capacity, and in exchange gives you 25% more regeneration; a net benefit for you of 15% regen, in exchange for 10% of your total shield. Again, using these is a question of judgment – experiment carefully. 

Your advantages: Passive Shield Tanking is very, very easy on the brain when in combat: when the shield goes under 10%, initiate warp and leave. Simple! No boosting, no capacitor to worry about, nada. Speaking of which, PST means your capacitor isn’t being hurt at all. You can use your cap for much more intensive activities; afterburners, microwarps, high energy-usage weapons, etc. This isn’t suggesting you throw lasers on your favorite non-Amarr ship, but you can be a lot more free with the juice. If your PST has very high resists (say, on a Ferox, or if you’ve done a hybrid PST/AST-tank and put extenders/resist modules in your mids and fluxes in your lows) the regen rate can be pretty darn impressive. (20 shield per second is unimpressive in most cases, but if you’ve got 80% resist to Electromagnetic, it would require 100 damage/second to equal the regen rate your 20/per is pulling in.) For attention-monitoring purposes and capacitor-using purposes, nothing beats a Passive Shield Tank. I've personally been in a fight using a Drake against a few heavy-offensive fitted ships, and my tank held on its own while I worried about the actual combat!
Your drawbacks: Your regeneration rate is absolutely out of your control . . . and that can be mighty scary. It means you can’t pour on the juice if you’re getting clobbered, and it means you can’t divert energy elsewhere if you’re not being hammered. That regeneration rate can be quite swift, but generally is not as fast as a Shield Booster or Armor Repairer would be. Passive Shield Tanking usually requires more slots to do effectively than AST or Armor Tanking, or cross-level slots. (AST requires all mid, Armor all low, but Passive dips into both.) As a rule, the fact that you can’t heal as quickly, and that the healing is uncontrolled, means that PST is more a tactic for those who fight regular faction ships, and not pod pilots.

Now I bet your head's hurtin' mighty good and you reckon that you just might try out a shield tank of your own! Or maybe you're just thinking that you're gonna stick with your Amarrian or Gallente armor tank. Either way you'll get your turn, as next week we'll be talking about the joys and sorrows of Armor Tanking!

'Till next time fellas! Fly safe! Fly smart!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

ConHo Daily's Weekly News Recap

Due to an unexpected Minmatar terrorist attack on our headquarters due to the last article, we have been delayed in providing more news to the good people of New Eden. However, reconstruction of the office went quickly due to the efforts of construction drones and colonists who were volunteered into service.

Without further ado, we present all that was missed during the temporary blackout!

- Empire competition has increased significantly, with word of new battlecruisers quickly spreading throughout New Eden. These new ships are believed to be able to fit guns normally reserved for battleships, and many debate as to whether these ships will make the current battlecruisers and battleships near-obsolete in fleet effectiveness.

A leaked schematic for the Oracle, the Amarr's newest offensive vessel

The Caldari Naga, rumored to soon be the most versatile ship in the State Navy

The Federation Talos, believed to be a blaster ship

- In a startling development, rumors abound that a joint operation between Caldari and Gallente scientists is being conducted to improve hyrbid and rail weaponry in order to advance their goals against mutual enemies on the galactic scale. It is not yet known exactly what advances are being made, but experts believe that improvements are being made to fluidity of weapon machinery, which will allow the weapons to rotate faster and hit with much greater accuracy than before.

- In further technological news, the Caldari and Gallente are also working on improving the chassis of their ships, including new armor plates and paint schemes, in order to advance their goals against mutual enemies. Already a major design change is being implemented for the Condor hull.

The Kaalakiota Corporation has truly mastered ship design

- In more recent news, HARMON Alabel, the newly appointed Mining Foreman, conducted a Consolidated Holdings mining op in Amygnon, with a very high mining yield. The participants succeeded in tearing apart many, many asteroids, which will surely help corporate production in battlecruisers, and possibly other technologies in the near future.

The belt didn't stand a chance! Photo by Olli Racoon.
- Also in today's news, the Coalition Forces successfully defended the Ouelletta POS from pirate attackers. Xeddiphan in Lord Mandelor were able to take part in combat operations, but their fleet was unable to join the main battle due to being assigned to a reinforcement fleet. The Coalition was commanded by a member of the Tuskers.

"We didn't do too much besides some eventual guard duty on some repper ships," Xeddiphan admitted. "Things only got interesting when we got hot dropped."

The hotdrop, conducted by a neutral corporation, succeeded in destroying an allied Chimera-class carrier, thought the drop fleet consisted of two dreadnoughts, a Nyx, and, terrifyingly, a Titan.

"The fleet and I had been fine up until then, but I pooped a little when that Erebus was dropped on us out of nowhere," Lord Mandelor said.

"I'm not proud," he quickly added.

That wraps up the highlights for this week! We look forward to delivering more news soon, WITHOUT being sabotaged by radicals. CONCORD Officials assure us it probably will not happen again.